Using µTracer11 with a PDP-11/34

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The PDP-11/34 CPU is named "KD11-E", its two-board CPU implementation consists of two modules: "M8265 DATAPATH" and "M8266 CONTROL".

  • µTracer11 "M93X2 probe"s mounted into the PDP-11/34 in standard "UNIBUS" A/B slots, but multiple positions are possible.
  • To control micro code execution, µTracer11 is also connected to two 10pin diagnostic headers on "M8266 CONTROL".
  • And a RS232 cable goes to the host PC to communicate with the µTracer11 GUI User Interface.

m93x2 ky11 cables

The two 10pin diagnostic headers on the CPU are normally used by the "M7859 KY11-LB Programmers Console" to control the micro code via the front panel.

The original KY11-LB cables can be routed through M93x2 probe to the CPU too ... but parallel Micro Stepping via front panel and µTracer11 GUI confuses both. Lets ignore this feature until later.


There are 3 options to mount the M93X2 probe. Examples are shown for a single DD11-PK backplane, where all memory and disks are implemented via an UniBone.

1. M93X2 probe as UNIBUS terminator

Here its mounted in the last UNIBUS slot, replacing the M9302 terminator.

1 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< M8266 KD11E CONTROL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
2 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<< M8265 KD11E DATA PATH >>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
3 | | | | G727A | | |
4 | <<<< M9312 >>>> | <<<<<<<<< M7859 KY11-LB >>>>>>>>> |
5 | | | | G727A | | |
6 | | | <<<<<<<<<<<< UniBone >>>>>>>>>>>> |
7 | | | | G727A | | |
8 | | | | G727A | | |
9 | M93X2 probe | <<<<<<<<<< M7856 DL11 >>>>>>>>>>> |

 Terminator packs and "SACK-turnaround" are active, like in M9302.

 m93x2 detail m9302


2. M93X2 probe replacing the BOOTROM M9312

The M9312 BOOT ROM carries CPU-side terminators and ROM with boot loader logic.
Its placed in a "Modified Unibus Slot" slot (MUD). On DD11-PK, all A/B slots on rows 3..8 are MUD.

Remember: MUD don't carry the Grant lines, but have high voltages there ... but these blue jumpers out!

1 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< M8266 KD11E CONTROL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
2 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<< M8265 KD11E DATA PATH >>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
3 | | | | G727A | | |
4 | M93X2 probe | <<<<<<<<< M7859 KY11-LB >>>>>>>>> |
5 | | | | G727A | | |
6 | | | <<<<<<<<<<<< UniBone >>>>>>>>>>>> |
7 | | | | G727A | | |
8 | | | | G727A | | |
9 | M9302 terminator| <<<<<<<<<< M7856 DL11 >>>>>>>>>>> |

Terminator packs are active, but the "SACK-turnaround" and the GRANT line jumpers and "SACK-turnaround" are OUT.

m93x2 detail m9312

The M93x2 must be able to upload code on Power-ON, so the BOOT switch must be connected too.

m93x2 detail boot switch



3. M93X2 as add-on in MUD slot

Here its mounted in an arbitrary MUD slot, parallel to M9302 terminator and M9312 BOOT ROM.

1 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< M8266 KD11E CONTROL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
2 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<< M8265 KD11E DATA PATH >>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
3 | | | | G727A | | |
4 | M9312 BOOT ROM | <<<<<<<<< M7859 KY11-LB >>>>>>>>> |
5 | M93X2 probe | | G727A | | |
6 | | | <<<<<<<<<<<< UniBone >>>>>>>>>>>> |
7 | | | | G727A | | |
8 | | | | G727A | | |
9 | M9302 terminator| <<<<<<<<<< M7856 DL11 >>>>>>>>>>> |

Terminator packs are removed, and GRANT lines jumpers and "SACK-turnaround" are out.

m93x2 detail mud


Messy real world setup

In my 11/34, I use "Setup #3, MUD". It looks like:

pdp 1134


command line gui
KY11LB sequence tfor singel step
KY11LB: stop does not work
boot siwtch



KY11LB 1+2 to M8266

Arduino Power "UNIBUS"

1) as end temrminator, rpealcing M9302 in last UNIBUS slot

SACK turbaround active, BG* jumpers in, termiantors inserted


2) replacing M9302 boot rom on MUD next to CPU

BG* jumpers out,, terminators inserted, SACK turnaoround out, power switch FASTON plugged in


3) parallel to existing M9302 and M9312 in MUD

BG* jumpers out,, termiantors out, SACK turnaround out




RUnning the 11/34

Remove the Macro HALT conditons:  Let the uMAchine running again (GUI: MAN CLK ENAB), and press CNTRL-CONT

Due to KYLB operating under unplanned conditions (miro machine halted, but KYLB expect it running), we can not normally recover from HALT
when micro stepping is active..  We see a CNTRL-CONT pushing someting weird into the Macro PC ...

1$:  tstb @#177560
 bpl 1$

Attention: when using GUI; don't set the KYLB in Maitnanence mode ... Singelstepping only possible vie GUI OR KYLB!

STehres the 11734 CPU,as you knwo it .. the "Macro" CPU"

It is impelnetned via a "micro machine"

Keep in mind, the "Micro machine" is running even if the Macro CPU is halted.

What is the mciro machine doing for a HALTED 11/34?

Power On the 11/34, it should boot into the M9312 BOOT ROM console emulator.
Check than you can see th3 "q prompt in your console temrinal ... this menas 11/34 is lsitening to the DL11 UART at 177560 and processing charcters

Start GUI, you see lots of UNIBSU accesses

HALt the MAcro CPU with CNTRL-HLT/SS on the KYLB panel

GUI: "MAN CLK ENAB" ... now mciro machoen stoppend and can besingel stepped

GUI: multiple MAN CLK -> mpc cycles 015, 000, 0015, 000 ... the uMachine loop for HALTED MAcro CPU

Also the UNIBUS DATA lines shown an upcounting pattern, and SACk and BBSY are active.
Tahts iactivity of the KYLB console processor,


Show ing powe-upo diagnotic  micro code

MAN CLK ENAB, uMachine stopped

"Pwoer Cycle"

MAN CLK -> uPC executes power up diagnsotics





START/STOP 11/34 only via KY11 panel.

When attaching GUI and 11734 halted:

HALT 11/34, start GUI: